Risk Uk Article July 2008


The pressures of corporate life - May 2024

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ssr personnels Peter French writes an article based on corporate pressures

Money in a job isn’t everything, but you can be sure that it’s what people are interested in knowing. How much then, does a chief security officer, or director of risk and resilience, earn? One man with such numbers to hand is Peter French, a past master of the Worshipful Company of Security Professionals and MD of the recruitment consultancy SSR Personnel.

The CSO of a UK-based corporate may have a salary of between £250,000 and £400,000, and maybe even more in financial services; a lot better, he relates, than the CSO in say, manufacturing. And in a financial services firm, not only in the security function, but it’s also not unusual for an EMEA head to get a bonus for the year in the region of £45,000 to £50,000; or zero, if the year has been really bad for business.


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